School Profile

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi
Affiliation No: 1930111
Code: 55047
(An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)
Maharishi Gardens’
No.28, Dr. Guruswamy Road, Chetpet,
Chennai-600 031.
Email Id: [email protected]
Phone No: 044 - 26427088 / 30527077
Year of Establish of School 1983
Whether NOC has been obtained Yes
NOC No L.Dis.No.160847/E3/85
NOC issuing date 13/09/1985
Recognition No.from Director of School Education Rc.No.51245/G1/S1/2018
Recognition issuing date 25/10/2018
Is the School is recognised, if yes by which Authority Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi
Status of Affiliation: Permanent / Regular / Provisional Provisional
(i) Affiliation No : 1930111
(ii) Affiliation with the Board since : CBSE - 1986 1st May
(iii) 31-03-2021
Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act,1956. Maharishi Institute of Creative Intelligence
Period uoto which Registration of Trust/Society is valid Permanent
List of Members of School Managing Committe Attached
Name of the Chairman Shri. Ajay Prakash Shrivastava
Phone No. 044 - 26427088
Email Id : [email protected]
Area of school campus 1) In Acres : 2.12 Acres
2) In sq.mtrs : 8579.782 Sq.mtrs
3) Build up area(sq.mtrs): 11577.95 Sq.mtrs
4) Area of playground in sq.mtrs :1909.61 Sq.mtrs
5) Other facilities:
*Swimming Pool : No
*Indoor Games : Yes
*Dance Rooms : Yes
*Gymnasium : Yes
*Music Rooms : Yes
*Hostel : Nil
*Health and Medical Check up : Yes
Name of the Grievance/redressal Officer with E-mail and Fax no. Shri G. Haribabu
[email protected]
Head of Sexual Harassment Committee Sri G. Haribabu
[email protected]
Location of the School It is located in the heart of the city, well connected by road and rail.
Standing among other CBSE Schools The uniqueness of our institution lies in imparting value based education, like Transcendental Meditation, Pranayama and Yogasanas which form an integral part of the curriculum.
Nature of Management of the School It is a registered Society under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
Facilities Provided * A fleet of twelve buses covering a radius of 15 kms.
* A vegetarian canteen catering to the needs of staff and students.
* Aavin parlour available in campus.
* RO water facilities for students and staff.
* Medical assitance available for staff and students by Appolo Shine with 2 Nurses & bed facility.
* Ayurvedic centre with a qualified doctor and a nurse available, with all types of treatment being given.
Performance of the School in Board Exams Excellent results have been produced over the years and many of our students are placed in the IIT's, NIT's, Medical college and other reputated Institutions.
Co-curricular & Extra Curricular Activities a. Spiritual Awareness and Physical Fitness: Science of Creative Intelligence through Transcendental Meditation, Guru Pooja and Bhajans, Yogasanas, Pranayama. Vedic Heritage Programme. Scouts and Guides, Cubs & Bulbuls, Bunnies, Road Safety Patrol, National Cadet Corps, Junior Red Cross, National Green Corps, Karuna Club, Heritage Club, Integrity Club, Quiz Club, Literary Club, Art and Craft Club, Science Club, Health and Welness Club, Philately Club and Proud India Club.

b. Sports: Volley Ball, Throw Ball, Cricket, Basket Ball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Tennicoit, Shuttle Cock, Badminton, Carrom, Chess and Table Tennis, Skating, Karate, .

c. Other Programmes: Counselling for students, Workshops for Teachers, Annual Medical Check-up, Field Trips, Kalai Valar Mandram-Kalavarshini, Education for Enlightenment - Inter School and Intra Mural Competitions, Navarathri Celebrations, Pongal Celebrations, Achievers Day, Investiture Ceremony, Alumni Association Programmes.
Sports Table Tennis - National Placement in TT.
Expansion Plans of the School for the next five years To Start Ayurvedic College and Hospital.

Academics Office-Bearers Admission Activites Achievements Circulars Events Awards